PreK - 5th Grade
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
We believe that Scripture is clear that parents are primary in making disciples of their children.
Our desire at Jackson Creek is to come alongside families in their pursuit of this mission, partnering with them in the discipleship process.
We do so by creating a fun environment, engaging curriculum, and exciting events that center on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our desire at Jackson Creek is to come alongside families in their pursuit of this mission, partnering with them in the discipleship process.
We do so by creating a fun environment, engaging curriculum, and exciting events that center on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Check-in with a volunteer!
We value the safety of your child, and for you to know that we care for their well-being. There is a check-in station along the wall on the north end of the building under the “Creek Kids” sign. There you will have an opportunity to provide us with your contact info, child’s name, and any allergies your child has. You will receive a parent sticker with a unique number identifier along with name tag stickers with the same number for your children. This is so that every child returns to the parent that checked them in.
Three Classes

Pre-K - Kindergarten

1st - 3rd Grade

4th - 5th Grade
After all local schools are out for the summer, we have a graduation Sunday. On this day, we move all kids up to the grades they will be going into for the upcoming school year.
Please let us know if you or your family have any needs. We are here to serve you and help your family grow closer to Jesus and each other.
Please let us know if you or your family have any needs. We are here to serve you and help your family grow closer to Jesus and each other.
Sunday Mornings
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Creek Kids at Jackson Creek meets during the same time as the adult morning worship hour. After service is over be sure to return your check-in tag to the Creek Kids volunteer.